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Pioneer since 2002.
Version française

Legal notices

Publisher of the site :

Zelda Gavizon Chocolatherapy®
97400 Saint-Denis
Ile de La Réunion

For any quick request, feel free to use our standby Whatsapp line 7/7 :
+262 693 02 79 07

RCS de Saint-Denis 311 790 539
SIRET 311 790 539 00010

Director of publication :

Zelda Gavizon, contact@zeldagavizon.fr

Warnings - Worldwide Copyrights :

• The logo of Zelda Gavizon Chocolatherapy®, all the photos, trademarks, slogans, posters, livened up sequences or not, presents on this site are Zelda Gavizon Chocolatherapy’s properties.

• Zelda Gavizon Chocolathérapie® company entrusts to a specialized law firm, and to her branches worldwide, the continious supervision of its industrial patents and its artistic and literary heritage, both in the physical and digital dimensions.

• Anywhere in the world, Zelda Gavizon Chocolatherapy® company reserves the right to pursue any act of forgery of its intellectual property rights, including within the framework of a penal action.

• According to the governing laws rights of literary, artistic and industrial property, and similar rights, these elements are protected by the national and international law on the intellectual property.

• Any attempt of reproduction, imitation, total or partial of one of these elements, whatever process it is, any adaptation or transfer on another site, or any other frame, without express and written authorization of Zelda Gavizon Chocolatherapy® company, are strictly forbidden and establish a sanctioned forgery.

• Zelda Gavizon Chocolatherapy® company grants no license, and no right other one than that to consult this site.

Use of the site :

• Zelda Gavizon Chocolatherapy® will make all efforts to keep the content of the site up to date and to provide users with precise information. Zelda Gavizon Chocolatherapy® cannot, however, guarantee the exactness, precision or exhaustiveness of the data included on the site.

• Zelda Gavizon Chocolatherapy® accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracy or omission concerning the data available on the site, as well as for any damages resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of said data.

Technical realisation :

Aurélien CROÜS, contact@aureliencrous.com

Copyright © 2002-2023  -  Zelda Gavizon Chocolatherapy®  -  Chocolatherapy Skincare®  -  Legal notices  -  Webdesign : Ac Web